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Some Basic Knowledge}

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Some Basic Knowledge


Ellie RomeReed

Im going to take the next few minutes to try and explain some very important things I have learned over the course of my transformation. This is the 10,000 foot overview and wont be very in depth, but it should give you a basic understanding for the terminology I use.

First, lets talk about God.

I was raised Catholic and still follow the commandments and most of the Churchs doctrine. That said, I have a hard time believing God is a white man withan Adams apple. I used a much more vulgar term with my mom and she agreed with my argument. She is way more Catholic than I am, and I respect her beliefs more than she even realizes.

A friend saw God once and asked Him why he looked like a Chinese King. God told her that he forms himself into a physical likeness that we will relate to.

As I speak, I will often interchange God with Source, Spirit, and The Universe (which is my personal favorite). God is an energy. The bible explains that we are made in Gods image and likeness essentially, we are all energy. There are some lovely articles about Quantum Physics and God out there, but like I promised, this is just an overview.

I may refer to Mother Earth at some point, but I will usually refer to God as He, because it feels natural to me.I want to keep everyone on the same page without offending people, which is why I feel the need to explain that they are all words for the same God.

Next, well discuss vibration.

Vibration is another interesting energy form that can be explained scientifically. Did you know that the energy from your heart emits about 20-30 feet from your body, but the energy from your brain only emits a few inches? With the heart near the center of our being, this explains why you can walk into a room and feel the energy.

If you walk into a room where the music is pumping, people are smiling and dancing, you immediately feel that vibration, even if youre having a bad day. On the flip side, you can walk into a room where too people were just fighting and you can feel the tension, even if youre having a great day.The word vibration is like a wavelength. You want to listen to Classical music, so you tune to that channel. You cant expect to hear rock music when youre tuned to the easy listening channel because theyre not on the same wavelength or vibration.

So how do you know what vibration youre at? Well, theres a book called Power Versus Force which talks all about the different wavelengths of vibrations, but Ill give you something simple. Think about when you fell in love; that giddy, excited feeling that gave you butterflies and might have stopped you from thinking anything else in that moment. That is high-vibration or high-vibe.

Now think of being sad or depressed, full of anxiety and worry. Thats low-vibration or low-vibe. A vibration can be changed, it just take a little conscious though and effort. Think of a time that you were filled with pure joy. The birth of a child, your wedding day, something that makes you smile even in the midst of tears. For me, its the day I helped my oldest son catch his first fist. I can feel bubbles in my chest and a smile immediately crosses my face just writing the words!

When youre in a high-vibration, you are able to attract things into your life that are good and pleasant. When youre in a low-vibration, you attract things that are sometimes considered bad luck into your life.

What is a Psychic Healer?

You probably saw my title and thought, What on earth is a Psychic Healer? No, Im not going to predict your future. Only you can do that by taking action today. Your roots create your fruits (thank you T. Harv Eker) so stop focusing on the outcome and focus on what created that outcome. But thats Law of Attraction and we will get into Universal Laws on another day.

Psychic is an adjective that means, Relating to the soul or mind. All of my work with mindset and purpose and finding your why resides in the soul, the mind, and your heart. I couldnt call myself a neurologist, although I am learning a bit of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help my clients. Psychic was the closest word in the English language that defines my work. And yes, I have a little bit of foresight too.Healer is a noun that means someone that alleviates a persons distress or anguish. By doing mindset work,

clearing blocks, and transforming your life, we are able to relieve your distress (di-STRESS) and anguish. Together.


Metaphysics is another term I will use, as I have learned most of my lessons through Metaphysics and through other books that gained their ideas from Metaphysical principles. The University of Sedona has a beautifully worded definition, which I am going to past here with a link so they get full credit.

Traditionally, the word Metaphysics comes to us from Ancient Greece, where it was a combination of two words Meta, meaning over and beyond and physics. Thus, the combination means over and beyond physics. In the definition found in most dictionaries, metaphysics is referred to as a branch of philosophy that deals with first cause and the nature of being. It is taught as a branch of philosophy in most academic universities under the label of Speculative Philosophy.

In todays world, however, the word metaphysics has become a description of many fields of interest. When one expresses an interest in metaphysics, that interest may be in any one or a combination of the following subjects:

Philosophy, Religion, Parapsychology, Mysticism, Yoga, ESP, Dreams, Jungian Psychology, Transpersonal and Theocentric Psychology, Astrology, Meditation, Self-Help Studies, Positive Thinking, Life After Death, Transcendentalism, Mysticism, ReincarnationThe common denominator of these and all similar subjects, of course, deals with an exploration of reality, and in the idealistic sense, how such knowledge may benefit human life on this earth, both individually and collectively.

The last point is intuition, ego, and the higher-mind.

How can you follow your heart if you dont trust your feelings? I will talk about following your heart and trusting your intuition A LOT, so this one is really important.

Have you ever met someone and had a really off feeling about them? Thats your intuition speaking up, trying to save you from danger.

Now the ego tries to pipe up and make you afraid, but thats a fear-based feeling that usually yells at you and makes you feel really awful.Intuition is in conjunction with your higher-mind and is usually gentle and loving.

This is best explained though a story: At the beginning of April, I went to Warrior Camp. Before camp, I was starting to feel like I shouldnt go. I didnt think the plane was going to crash, I just felt sleepy and my mind went into what-if mode. Then I started thinking about safety concerns while traveling there, because the ego couldnt get to me any other way. The whole time, I didnt have a gut feeling in my body, it was all in my head.So I asked a fellow psychic to feel into the situation for me. After sending the message, I thought of her telling

me not to go and felt really sad. That feeling was my intuition telling me the answer. I also spoke to a friend who had been and he told me that his ego makes him feel lethargic before hes about to attend something that will give him a huge breakthrough.

I went and had an amazing experience. I was able to separate my ego from my higher-mind and realize that I was just being lied to. Ego isnt a bad thing, it wants to keep up safe! But the ego comes from a place of fear, like the character in Inside Out. He went into what if mode and freaked out about everything. Will Smith said it the best, though: Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.

Ego thinks new things are dangerous. Ego knows that the routine of going to a 9-5 job day in and day out is safe. Ego doesnt understand that asking for a raise is a good thing, so it talks you out of it. Ego doesnt know that getting rid of past conditioning can make an even better life, so it questions if all of these energy and metaphysical ideas are real. You see how the ego works?

Im going to end this one with a little task: Go through your day and notice where youre getting gut feelings: gentle nudges or thoughts that help you. Then notice where your ego is stepping in and trying to scare you away from something. It usually comes in the form of fear or negative self-talk. It also feels really bad. If you can get a grip on where your intuition leads you and where your ego tries to protect you, you can completely transform your life. Just by noticing the trend!

About Ellie:Ellie is a Psychic Healer and Transformation Coach who helps clients shift their mindset, break through blocks, and find fulfillment and success beyond their wildest dreams!

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