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Driving Test Tips To Pass The Reversing Manoeuvres On The Uk Driving Test

Driving test tips to pass the Reversing Manoeuvres on the UK Driving Test


driving test

The Reversing Manoeuvres tips is one of the most important driving test tips


During the Driving test of the UK , you will have to perform 2 sets of reversing manoeuvers. you have 4 manoeuvers for the examiners to choose from – unfortunately, you dont know what you’re going to get until the examiner asks you to do it. To make sure you have the best chance of being successful on this manoeuvres, ask for advice from a fully qualified driving instructor, preferably grade 6 driving instructor (top grade) by the DSA. The most important factor is this – you will be marked to two things. Firstly, how you control the vehicle to perform the manoeuvre accurately. Secondly, and just as important, it is imperative that you carry it out safely as regards other roads users – cars, lorries, pedestrians, cyclists etc etc. Commonly referred to as “three point turn”, the point of the exercise is to turn the car around using forward and reverse gears. The examiner will ask you to pull over safely at the side of the road and then explain that they want you to turn the car around to face the opposite direction. By using steady clutch work to control the speed of the car, along with brisk, full lock steering you should be able to perform the task in 3 movements. If it does take more – don’t panic. You have not necessarily failed if you are sure to make effective observations. My preferred method is to steer full lock to the right on the initial forward motion and straighten the wheels up just before stopping close to opposite kerb. Then reverse safely using full left lock and again straightening the wheels before you stop by the original kerb. This should enable you to drive away in the opposite direction on the third leg. Remember – when you are performing these manoeuvres, you must be prepared to give priority to all other road users. You can only do this is you are carrying out effective observations. This is possibly the hardest manoeuvre – not because it is the hardest to do accurately, but because there are two road’s worth of other road users to look out for. The examiner will ask you to pull over before the junction he wishes you to reverse into (usually the next road on the left). The task is to drive shortly past the road, and reverse back into it safely, keeping reasonably close to the kerb and finishing up about 3 car lengths back from the junction. This can be done accurately by glancing in your left mirror to keep the car close to the kerb but safely by keeping you head moving all round to ensure safety at all times. Do not fall into the trap of looking only in your side mirror – you will be missing road users elsewhere! If the examiner asks you to perform the reverse parking manoeuvre, it will be either parallel parking OR reversing into a car parking bay. In the case of parallel parking, the goal is to pull up alongside another parked vehicle, and reverse back into a parked position behind it – ideally within 1.5 car lengths of the object car. My method for this is to start slightly ahead of level with the object car, steer a half turn to the left until my rear passenger gets to about half a meter from the kerb, then steer full lock right to line up. Again, do not just stare in the mirror or at the kerb, all round observations are necessary. With bay parking, the manoeuvre will be performed at the test centre either at the beginning or end of the test (if the test centre does not have a car park, you won’t be asked to do this one!). The aim, quite simply, is to reverse the car into one of the bays, usually lining up the white lines in your side mirrors, whilst watching out for other drivers, pedestrians, etc.

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Driving test tips to pass the Reversing Manoeuvres on the UK Driving Test